Friday, October 21, 2011


In a week that has congressional Republicans doing back-flips to keep from giving Obama any credit for eliminating No-More Gaddafi (thanks, Daily Show!), and our elected leaders once again voting down the thing that they were sent to Washington to do (Jobs?  Who needs jobs?), where even the dead turn Lindsay Lohan away (when the morgue won't let you in, where do you go?), and yet another Tea Partier is exposed as a liar (yes, Florida, I'm talking about you!), it seems we could use a little levity.

Fun Movies:   5-second Films

I have an extremely short attention span.  So, imagine my delight at discovering "5-second films".  Here are two collections of the best of 5-second films.  Finally, a movie that I can stay awake to!   Sorry, but some of these are a little racy (but still hilarious!), so you've been warned!
Fun Science: Fish Farts

So finally, the phrase "talking out your butt" makes sense!  Scientists have found that a certain type of herring communicates through flatulence.  This herring flatulence creates a high-frequency signal that is understood by the other herring., do we now say, "he who dealt it, said it?"

Here's a link to the story from National Geographic!

Fun Parenting:  Embarrassing Our Children

One of the few joys of aging is being able to humiliate our grown up kids by reminding them how adorable they used to be.  I give you exhibits a, b, and c.  The only thing that keeps this from being hilarious is that none of you would recognize him today.  That, unfortunately, limits any humiliation to immediate family only.  Darn it!

Hey, baby!  Wanna go for a ride?
Nothing says cool like plaid!!

I'll pose anywhere for SweetTarts!

What do you mean, guilty?
I don't look guilty...RUN!!

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