To turn and burn is what oldies yearn; but life has taken
a slower turn.
Your body needs to stay fit - to stop causes it to
The old line of “use it or lose it” does really make your
body fit as long as you don’t pollute it.
Things we accumulate as we grow old will eventually
leave you cold.
“You are what you eat” is really true but how much you
eat defines you.
Americans eat too much.
We need to cut back on that lunch.
Obesity is the disease of the day as it seems to be an
American way.
To cut back on caloric intake slows down our bodies
break-down rate.
This three meals a day makes your body pay.
Our bodies store things that cause physical dings.
To clean your body out, you need to keep good calorie
Cut back on empty calories.
Good nutrients are what you need to seize.
Your good diet has lots of clout
Keep diseases out a
and extend your lifetime route!
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